Zelle Integration via Velera (CO-OP)

We are working on a project to create an integration to Zelle from our online banking platforms, via a solution provided by Velera (formerly known as PSCU/Co-Op Solutions). This solution utilizes the Velera shared branching rails and infrastructure we have built for our national shared branching solution, although a credit union will not have to use Velera national shared branching in order to take advantage of this new interface.

Here are some key features (subject to change):

The user experience:

  • Member logs in to online banking and clicks a “Send money with Zelle” SSO link
  • Will launch a Zelle application (using a UI maintained by FIS), displayed within a frame (some minimal branding options may be available)
  • We’ll pass information about the member to check for enrollment status
  • If the member isn’t enrolled yet, terms & conditions are presented
  • Member can enroll using phone number, email address, or both (a verification code is sent to complete enrollment)
  • Once enrolled member can send/money via Zelle
  • Member can choose names from their contact list or create from scratch

How transactions work:

  • Will ride via the shared branch transaction communication rails
  • All processing functionality is the same, using a different network ID and transaction processing codes – so if you are a SB client, you’ll start seeing additional traffic coming through along with shared branch activity (same daily reports, same settlement process, etc.)
  • If recipient is already enrolled, funds move right away; if not, the recipient must enroll and designate where the money should go before transaction is initiated to the member (so CU*BASE won’t know about the transaction until then)

Other features:

  • CUs don’t need to participate in the Velera SB network, but they will be using our Issuer module to interface to CU*BASE
  • We can develop this for both desktop/mobile web as well as the mobile app (we may decide to do one at a time)
  • Members who have already enrolled via another FI will have the option of transferring their existing token
  • Velera handles all alert notifications to the phone/email address provided by the member when enrolled
  • Split requests (one request for funds to be sent to multiple people) are supported
  • Member can view their activity within the Zelle UI


Status as of June 2024: Project # 61003 is currently in development. Related projects include #62582 which creates an online/mobile web banking SSO (complete), #62583 which includes changes to the mobile app (in development), and #62584 which includes related API development (to be assigned once the other parts are complete).  Our current target is for development and testing to wrap up in August and beta-testing to begin in September.  Full release to all CUs will be determined when we get closer to the beta-test start. (And yes, we already have a beta CU selected!)

Learn more about Zelle


Chefs for this recipe: Dawn Moore

June 27, 2024

4 Responses to “Zelle Integration via Velera (CO-OP)”

  1. Jim Thiemet

    Do you know how much this will cost a participating CU to join this service? We have looked into adding Zelle ourselves in the past and it was VERY expensive for the CU to join. I was curious if you had figures together yet.

    • Dawn Moore

      At this year’s Leadership Conference we announced that hooking up via our integration with Velera (CO-OP) via their shared branching rails would require a one-time $1,500 setup fee, then $500/month maintenance. If you are not already on the Issuer rail, then add an additional $1,500 one-time setup fee and $75/month data line fee for that. Watch the store for more details coming soon!


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