Jump In the Beta Pool

So what’s the difference between beta and “active” beta?
This page describes traditional beta testing for software prior to full implementation to all clients. Active beta is a whole different animal that lets us release live software in the field, for everyone to test over an extended period. Learn more about Active Beta

Does your credit union like to be in on the ground floor of new tools and ideas?

Have you got the kind of team that dives into new software with enthusiasm?

Are you an early adopter just chomping at the bit to get at that next new software feature?

Please check out the beta requirements for the next release below. If your credit union is eligible and ready to jump into the beta pool for the upcoming release, please complete the following form and email it to betapool@cuanswers.com.

Fill out the Beta Pool Application

Earn CollabRebate $$ for beta-testing!

If you’re willing to help us test other new tools at the same time, you just might get your wish.

We’re always on the lookout for credit unions willing to participate in the beta-test period for major CU*BASE software releases. If your credit union would like be in the pool considered for beta testing new features and enhancements, we need you!

Specific Requirements for the Next Release

Beta Test Begins Full Release to Online CUs Teams Affected Most

August 25, 2024

October 6, 2024

  • CEO/Management
  • Member Service/Teller
  • Lending
  • Audit
CollabRebate for Beta Test: $3,000
Beta CUs selected: TBD


Team or Criteria  Eligible More Details
Xtend Shared Branch Participants Yes CUs using Xtend Shared Branching are able to participate in this beta.
CUs with shared employee arrangements with other CUs * It is not possible for a CU in a shared employee arrangement to participate in a beta test unless all parties in that arrangement also agree to participate in the beta. Other eligibility rules also apply.
Co-Op (National) Shared Branching Participants Yes CUs using Co-Op Shared Branching are able to participate in this beta.
  • Added new dormancy/escheat status notices.
  • Added the ability to view spooled file reports as a PDF in a web browser.
  • Added new transfer account options for the Debit Card Round-Up feature.
  • Added new aggregate balance parameters and NSF criteria for assigning a deposit hold group to the Member in Good Standing Configuration.
Member Service/Teller
  • Added ability to request any document from any member via the CU*BASE Time-Out window.
  • Added visibility for members and staff to see A2A transfer limits.
  • Updated participation loan reporting tools to allow you to pull the reports by investor number.
  • Enhanced the loan category configuration to prevent designated credit cards from being used as overdraft protection.
  • Updated 1Click Offers to include the fee for modified APR.
  • Enhanced abnormal activity monitoring for transaction patterns.
  • Added the ability to auto-populate your RSSD number on your CTR forms.
  • Added 2FA for members logging into It’s Me 247 and/or BizLink 247 online banking.

See a list of projects planned for this release

Feedback From Recent Beta-Tests

How to Earn the Beta-Test CollabRebate

CollabRebateTo increase the effectiveness of our beta-test process, we need as many eligible CUs in our beta pool as possible. We recognize that beta-testing is an added challenge for your busy teams, and we also know how important a good beta-test is for the success of our releases with all of our clients. So we’re putting our money where our mouth is by offering a CollabRebate reward for active beta-test participants.

  • How much money are we talking? For each of our 2-3 major releases per year, we’ll offer between $2,500 and $5,000 per beta-test CU. The amount will be determined prior to the release according to the number of projects and relative complexity of the release.  For example, for a recent release, we offered a beta-test CollabRebate of up to $3,000.
  • What do you mean, “up to?” If your credit union actively participates in the beta by staying in contact with our teams and completing the necessary feedback forms, we’ll award the full amount. (In the past we have had credit unions start off with a bang then back out partway through the test period, so we do reserve the right to adjust the amount if appropriate, based on a credit union’s actual participation.)
  • What do we have to do? You’ll need to agree to the rules and tasks outlined below, including completing our feedback form and returning it to our QC team within 1 week after the end of the beta test.
  • Can anyone be a beta? Not every release can be beta-tested by every credit union, so first check the requirements to see if you are eligible. And while we do want multiple beta test sites, we need to keep the project manageable. So we reserve the right to choose the final selection of beta CUs for each release.
  • When will I know I am in the beta? We will make the announcement on the Wednesday three weeks prior to the beta test start date. You will contacted immediately by our QC team to arrange for your training web conference a week or two prior to the beta release.
  • What if I can’t gear up my team that quickly? Then perhaps beta-testing is not right for your credit union. The reality of our development track is that software releases move very rapidly. Our beta credit unions need to be able to hit the ground running. But rest assured we are behind you every step of the way and you will receive targeted, one-on-one support during the beta period. And don’t forget that CollabRebate waiting for you when you hit the finish line!

…keep reading to learn about what you’ll be committing to, and what you’ll get as a beta-tester.

July 16, 2024

BizLink 247 – Designed for the Unique Needs of Business Members

BizLink 247 – Designed for the Unique Needs of Business Members

BizLink 247 is designed for the special needs of business members.  Alongside its companion PIB MLO, BizLink 247 allows business owners to have separate logins and individual permissions for each employee – these permissions can be granted either through CU*BASE (via a credit union employee) or PIB MLO (by the business owner/administrator). Once your order… Read more »

Jul 25, 2024

Have You Heard About CU Info?

Have You Heard About CU Info?

Have You Heard About CU Info? CU Info allows you to dynamically update your credit union’s information across CU*Publisher products like your Membership Opening sites (MAP/MOP), Mobile 6.0 and the upcoming Biz Mobile 1.0 and Micro Apps. What Info Can I Manage? In addition to managing the members of your CU*Publisher team, you can edit… Read more »

Jul 25, 2024

Join Us for a Conversation on Online Member Experience!

Join Us for a Conversation on Online Member Experience!

Come join us for a Conversation on Online Member Experience, where we will be discussing a MOP (Membership Opening Process) pre-membership idea. This is something that is currently being studied by CU*Answers and how it can work with the membership opening process. During this upcoming event, credit unions will discuss what they are seeing members… Read more »

Jul 24, 2024

Lender*VP and Xtend are Here to Help with Mortgage Servicing & Escrow Processing

Lender*VP and Xtend are Here to Help with Mortgage Servicing & Escrow Processing

Did you know that Lender*VP offers mortgage servicing and escrow processing services in collaboration with the Xtend Mortgage Servicing team?  Let us put our team of experts to work for you! We make it easy for you by providing the following services: Escrow Processing Pay escrow bills Run annual escrow analysis Reporting on bills becoming… Read more »

Jul 24, 2024

CU*BASE Call Report Training, Presented by Earnings Edge

CU*BASE Call Report Training, Presented by Earnings Edge

Join the Earnings Edge Accounting Services team for a review of the CU*BASE Call Report Toolkit! We’ll discuss the latest updates to the call report and will explore education opportunities relating to the toolkit. This event will be hosted by Keegan Daniel, VP of Professional Services and Amber Jecks, Accounting Services Consultant. Click the button below… Read more »

Jul 24, 2024

Join Us for a Conversation On Plastics

Join Us for a Conversation On Plastics

From fraud mitigation to mandates, batch maintenance to digital issuance, vendor consolidations, and everywhere in between, Conversations on Plastics is another avenue that allows CU*Answers Cards and Payments to explore the complex and exciting world of ATM, debit, and credit cards! Register for our upcoming Conversations on Plastics for a discussion on Instant Issue. Instant… Read more »

Jul 24, 2024

IBM i Access Upgrades – Complete Yours by 9/1/2024

IBM i Access Upgrades – Complete Yours by 9/1/2024

It’s time to upgrade IBM i Access (used for print sessions) to! Your IT staff can download the latest version and perform these upgrades today. Please note that this update is required for all CU*Answers clients, in order to keep workstations up to date with currently-supported software. The updates will need to be applied to… Read more »

Jul 24, 2024