Optics Data Zooms in on Member Engagement, Click-by-Click

With data collection for Online Banking Optics and Phone Optics, your credit union can have a more detailed analysis of your member base and the ways they are engaging with your organization.  Best of all, these data collection options are FREE to activate for Data Warehouse users!

Online Banking Optics Data Collection

With Online Banking Optics, you can track, analyze and pull member lists for any combination of 120+ different buttons, actions and features your members might use within the online banking platforms.  Popular actions that are be reviewed for member lists include:

  • Viewing of eSign Document Details
  • Viewing of Loan, Share or Certificate Rates
  • Opening of an Account
  • Downloading Transaction Details
  • And many more!

Activate Online Banking Optics Data Collection

(Note: a Data Warehouse is required in order to collect Online Banking Optics data.  Separate pricing applies to purchase an Online Banking Optics Analysis from Asterisk Intelligence.)

Phone Optics Data Collection

What non-transactional support items are your staff handling?  Which members are repeatedly calling for just a transaction history recap?  How many and how often?  Phone Optics data collection provides your credit union with a richer analysis of both your phone support engagements and the members who call you with questions.

Activate Phone Optics Data Collection

(Note: a Data Warehouse is required in order to collect Phone Optics data.  Separate pricing applies to purchase a Phone Optics Analysis from Asterisk Intelligence.)