The industry is abuzz about “instant payments” and the new RTP® and FedNow® Service payment rails, and we’re all learning as we go! Join us for another conversation about our projects around instant payments, including:
- An update on the progress of our projects to send funds via RTP® and the FedNow® Service.
- An update on our project to allow CUs jump on the payment rail to receive funds via the FedNow® Service.
- Conversations about our new integration on instant payments via Zelle, using the Velera (Co-Op) shared branching rails.
- Conversations about our new integration on instant payments via the Payrailz P2P service, using the debit card rails.
- Conversations about fees for instant payments: What are you seeing in the market? What are your expectations?
Join the conversation to see what your peers are doing, and help us as we explore how the CUSO can build the tools you need to take advantage of these exciting new payment channels.
Thursday, February 13th
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
Want to stay connected on all our upcoming discussions relating to Instant Payments? Reach out to us via email.

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