8.01 Managing Compliance: Preparing for Audits and Examinations

Enterprise Risk Management


This class gives credit union supervisory personnel a look at the various CU*BASE tools used to prepare for audits and examinations. Often, the results of an audit or examination contact come down to how well the credit union can communicate their controls, management concepts, and the results of their activity. Putting your best foot forward is the key to a good examination and CU*BASE is often the key to being prepared.
CU*Answers has a full-time compliance officer with experience as both a credit union professional and state examiner. This class will focus not only on audit preparation but on managing the application of data-processing-related compliance issues, with CU*Answers as a partner.


This class is designed for key credit union leaders and managers.


By the completion of this course, participants will have:
? Explored various CU*BASE auditing tools
? Reviewed the building blocks of a proper internal auditing program and determined those best suited for auditing functions in their own credit unions
? Discussed the development of data-processing products in response to regulation changes
? Discussed how to maintain a compliance-responsive environment using CU*BASE
? Reviewed the system-generated reports used for ALM decision making
? Investigated the information required in basic ALM models
? Explored the credit union’s role in waving the regulation red flag


? cu*base file-maintenance logs
? investment-maturity reports
? cu*base report menus
? dividend and tiered-rate forecasting
? query options used in auditing
? aires file-review function
? preparing for a cpa audit
? preparing for a regulator examination
? internal policies and staff compliance
? the appearance of organization
? identifying a problem
? acquiring a tool
? implementing a solution
? developing compliance software as a team
? using the cu*answers compliance officer as a reference
? using the internet and other compliance tools

Course Schedule

Future times and dates are to be determined.