SE.2018.13 Using the New IBM Data Transfer Tool

Special Events Training


Join Asterisk Intelligence in a demo and discussion of the new and improved tool for downloading or uploading data between CU*BASE and your PC or shared drive. This session is designed for existing users of the download and upload tool of CU*BASE, but interested individuals who’ve never used the features are encouraged to attend as well.

New as of the 18.11 CU*BASE software release, the all-in-one Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) from Asterisk Intelligence contains what you need for both uploads and downloads as well as several improvements on default settings, a cleaner process, and immediate compatibility with Excel (it's no longer necessary to "convert” the downloaded file)!

REMEMBER, iSeries authority still controls a user's actual upload or download permissions. The new tool only combines and improves the interfaces for either action.

Tool #1375 will replace the following upload and download tools at a point to be determined in the future.
- Tool #373 – File Download (iSeries to PC)
- Tool #374 – File Upload (PC to iSeries)


Users of the IBM Data Transfer software in CU*BASE; Data Analysts; Database Administrators; IT Personnel, Security Officers


Discover and discuss differences and value of the new Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) compared to the existing Tools #373 and #374.


- Features of Tool #1375 - Data Transfers (Upload or Download)
- Manual data transfers between CU*BASE and a computer or shared drive
- CU*Answers documentation on data transfers

Course Schedule

Future times and dates are to be determined.