AI.6 Understanding and Managing Your Ecosystem of Data

Asterisk Intelligence


To be a data-focused credit union, you must first be aware of the data you have, where it lives, and how to access or connect it. There is a massive amount of product, transaction, and member data in the CU*BASE core system, but most credit unions also have data in multiple other systems. The effort of understanding and managing the data ecosystem of your credit union is a valuable foundation from which your analysis strategies and data-driven decisions will build.

Morning – Data Warehousing and Analysis with AI*Engaged

This session’s morning agenda explores data warehousing strategies including gathering and analyzing new data that is only available when you have the space to keep it, and options for pulling together data from multiple other systems for analysis. The AI*Engaged software application is developed by CU*Answers specifically for the purpose of managing and analyzing warehouse data. Within this review of data warehousing we ask and cover the following questions:

  • Where does my credit union data live today?
  • What is my toolkit I have for managing my data?
  • How long is the data stored in the system, and is there an option to keep it longer?
  • How do I make changes to my data?
  • When and how does data from multiple systems connect?
  • What are my options to customize data collection?
  • Where and how can I find and keep new data?

Afternoon – Hot Topics in Database Management

This session’s afternoon agenda covers resources and toolkits available to assist in creating a database management strategy. The latest and most popular topics are reviewed and discussed as a group, including Self-Directed Data Floods, Nostradamus calculator suggesting next product or service for members, Unique Data Management (UDM) Custom Fields, Query management strategies (automation and database changes), Specialty data possibilities (Optics data sets), DEX automated data extraction, etc.

This day's training is on-site only, at CU*Answers in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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