Release Summaries

Are you looking for information about future releases? Check out the Release Planning Page Or take a look at training and demo videos from previous releases. What happens after a release? Learn about our Post Release Validation program. 2024 CU*BASE Release 24.10 Release Summary – October 6, 2024 CU*BASE Release 24.10 Database Changes – October 6,… Read more »

Release Planning

Ever wonder what’s coming for CU*BASE or It’s Me 247 online banking or other CU*Answers tools?  This page is intended to help you keep in the loop for things that are in the pipeline or nearing completion.  Just remember that our development cycle is a living, breathing machine and we are committed to remaining flexible and nimble so that… Read more »

Pricing Guides

2024 Online Pricing Guide 2024 Inhouse Pricing Guide 2024 Ancillary Pricing Guide Pricing Philosophy Pricing is a tricky business. You can approach it from several different perspectives, ranging from “charge what the market will bear,” to “recover your development costs plus a small profit,” to “give it away and hope for a bigger payoff down… Read more »

My Favorite Dashboards and Reports Series

These helpful brochures cover over 60 CU*BASE dashboards and reports and over 100 CU*SPY reports! My Favorite Dashboards and Reports Auditing and Compliance Jim Vilker, Vice President, Professional Services, AuditLink, CU*Answers, has picked his top ten CU*BASE dashboards and reports in the My Favorite Dashboards and Reports – Auditing and Compliance brochure. Use this resource… Read more »